The Current State of AI for Educators (August, 2023)
A podcast interview with the University of Toronto on where we're at & where we're going.
Hey folks!
Last week, I was lucky enough to speak with colleagues at the University of Toronto about where we’re at with AI and education and where we might go next.
You can listen to our conversation (20 mins) below. In it, we discuss:
If, how and why generative AI might finally disrupt education in 2023-2024. For more on this, check out my post on Brave New Classrooms.
As more technologies emerge, tips for educators on how to select AI technologies which improve our practices and impact. Check out my free rubric for assessing & selecting AI tools.
As the pace of change increases, tips on how to keep ahead of developments in the world of AI-Ed:
follow Ethan Mollick’s work;
take an introductory coursesfor non specialists on DeepLearning.AI;
sign up to my free weekly newsletter and Learning Futures digest;
follow me on LinkedIn;
follow AI scholar, Gianluca Mauro, on TikTok to learn about AI in one minute chunks.
As more experimentation emerges, what can we learn about what truly disruptive AI-ed tools might look like in the future?
Happy listening!
Phil 👋
PS: Want to get hands-on and learn more about how to integrate AI into your learning design & delivery programme with support from me?
Join me and a cohort of people like you on the AI Powered Learning Science Bootcamp, a three week, high-support experience to hone your AI and learning science knowledge & skills.
Apply for a place now!